RASPA EUROPE workshop announced, Wroclaw, Poland, 1 July - 4 July 2019

Started by David Dubbeldam, January 02, 2019, 07:42:27 PM

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David Dubbeldam

RASPA Workshops: Molecular simulations for adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials, modeling of ionic liquids, and other applications

The workshops focus on a practical understanding of molecular simulations of fluids, ionic liquids, and nanoporous materials, and applying the RASPA software. The duration is 3.5 days, with lectures in the morning and exercises in the afternoon. The content of the Europe and US workshops is identical. Participants will learn the theoretical foundations of Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC), as well as the practical side of performing molecular simulations: setting up the system, constructing input files for molecules and frameworks, setting up a force field, understanding input settings, and analyzing the output. We will use our publicly available code RASPA, but the gained knowledge and understanding are also directly applicable to other software. Participants will need to bring their own laptop (Mac, Linux, Windows).

Topics: (1) introduction to MD, MC; (2) studying adsorption and diffusion in porous materials (e.g. zeolites, MOFs); (3) Fluid and ionic liquid properties; (4) vapor-liquid equilibrium; (5) advanced simulation methods; (6) applying RASPA to industrial relevant systems.

Registration link:
RASPA Europe workshop at Wroclaw, Poland

More info:
Preliminary course schedule

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