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Flexible-MOFs forcefield Issue

Started by YangLZ, November 04, 2019, 03:03:52 PM

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Dear Prof. Dubbeldam,

Is it OK to use the genericMOFs Forcefield to optimize a flexible-MOFs? Or every flexible-MOFs need a specific Forcefield, just like Dubbeldam2007FlexibleIRMOF-1 for IRMOF-1and Dubbeldam2007FlexibleIRMOF-10 for IRMOF-10?

Kind regards,

David Dubbeldam

For a force field for a flexible MOF you need to define all the interactions similar to the flexible IRMOF-1 example.
The GenericMOFs defines only the interactions of molecules with the framework.



Is there anywhere a list of all the interactions that you need to define for this to work?
I was blown away by these rangefinders for hunting and how accurate they are.

David Dubbeldam

The interactions are up to you. Bond-potentials and bend-potentials between the atoms are common, but force fields differ in the treatment of torsion-and improper torsion potentials, and VDW and electrostatics.

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