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Started by anne, December 19, 2018, 11:31:59 PM

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I have a problem with the ChargeFromChareEquilibration. This has been solved by referring to the example in the tutorial. Thank all!

David Dubbeldam

See the example in: RASPA-2.0/examples/Auxiliary/ChargeEquilibration/IRMOF-1
You do not need any cycles, it is run only once to compute the charges of the framework using charge-equilibration.
1 x 1 x 1 unit cells is sufficient.

The charges are then written as output in the file: Movies/System_0/Framework_0_final_1_1_1_P1.cif
This cif-file you can use as the new framework (copy it to your working directory) and then use:
UseChargesFromCIFFile yes


Thanks, David. That's exactly what I need. It works.


Hi David;

I have a followed-up question of this ChargeFromChargeEquilibriateion. It worked when I tried on MIL-53, MIL-100-primitive files which were in the share/raspa/structure/cif folder. However, it didn't work on the MIL-100-Fe.cif file I downloaded from CCDC (Link There is no output files/folders like Output, Movie, etc. after reading the cif file and force-field files. Here is the simulation.input file. I also attached the MIL-100-Fe.cif file.

SimulationType                   MC
NumberOfCycles                   0
NumberOfInitializationCycles     0
PrintEvery                       100
RestartFile                      no

Forcefield                       local
ChargeMethod                     Coulomb
CutOff                           12.0

ChargeFromChargeEquilibration    yes
ChargeEquilibrationPeriodic      yes
ChargeEquilibrationEwald         yes
SymmetrizeFrameworkCharges       no

Framework           0
FrameworkName       MIL-100-Fe
UnitCells           1 1 1
ExternalTemperature 298.0
ExternalPressure    0.0
InputFileType       cif

I am sure that the simulation.input file should be good and wondering if this is because there are no hydrogen atoms in the downloaded MIL-100-Fe.cif files (please see the attachment).

I appreciate it in advance.


David Dubbeldam

Check the format of the CIF file and compare it to the other ones to see where it goes wrong.
Usually, the error is printed to the console about what goes wrong with the reading.

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