How to do Monte Carlo simulation for a large number of MOFs?

Started by alireza_hadi68, December 31, 2022, 07:00:36 AM

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Hello everyone,

I want to work on a database containing a large number of MOFs, and I need their gas adsorption data (in a defined temperature and pressure). I am not familiar with RASPA and I want to learn it. There are lots of papers using RASPA for this purpose. I have some questions about this:
How could I use RASPA for a large number of MOFs?
Are there any algorithms to do simulations automatically?
How long does it take to do a simulation for each MOF?
What are the system requirements for such simulations?

Your answer could really help me.  :-[


David Dubbeldam

For running multiple simulations, you would use/create scripts that generate the needed input.
MOF simulations time depend on the size of the system, and how accurate you need the results.
Small systems, about a day. Larger system, a week or longer.


Dear Dr. Dubbeldam,

Thanks a lot for your helpful reply!

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