Henry coefficient obtained by Widom's insertion

Started by EmmanuelREN, January 22, 2021, 10:12:32 AM

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Dear Pr. Dubbeldam,

I have a question on Widom's insertion. I noticed that the input file of the Raspa2 tutorial puts a pressure on Widom's insertion for Henry coefficient calculation. But after running some test at different pressure the results don't depend on the pressure and the partial pressure in the output file has an impossible value Partial pressure: -16605402.00000000000000 [Pa].

I just wanted confirmation that the pressure has no role in the actual code. And the algorithm is just making the random insertion of one gas molecule (if I set it to 1) in an empty framework which can be related to an adsorption constant at very low loading.

Thank you in advance for your time,

Best Regards,

David Dubbeldam

No, the pressure is indeed not used in this example.
I will remove the pressure line in the example.

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