Hello Prof. Dubbeldam,
I wanna ask you about GCMD (MC/MD) skrip in module RASPA like this:
SimulationType MolecularDynamics
NumberOfCycles 1000000
NumberOfEquilibrationCycles 100000
PrintEvery 1000
ContinueAfterCrash yes
WriteBinaryRestartFileEvery 1000
Ensemble MuPT
Forcefield Local
CutOff 10.0
Movies yes
WriteMoviesEvery 1000
Framework 0
FrameworkName Framework_0_final_1_1_1_VASP
HeliumVoidFraction 0.801937
UnitCells 1 1 1
ExternalTemperature 298.0
ExternalPressure 1000000
ComputeRDF yes
WriteRDFEvery 1000
FlexibleFramework yes
FrameworkDefinitions Local
Component 0 MoleculeName CO2
MoleculeDefinition Local
IdealGasRosenbluthWeight 1.0
SwapProbability 1.0
CreateNumberOfMolecules 1
Based on this script, I am confused. If the MD script is simulated for 1,000,000 cycles, what is the default duration of the Monte Carlo simulation?
I wanna ask you about GCMD (MC/MD) skrip in module RASPA like this:
SimulationType MolecularDynamics
NumberOfCycles 1000000
NumberOfEquilibrationCycles 100000
PrintEvery 1000
ContinueAfterCrash yes
WriteBinaryRestartFileEvery 1000
Ensemble MuPT
Forcefield Local
CutOff 10.0
Movies yes
WriteMoviesEvery 1000
Framework 0
FrameworkName Framework_0_final_1_1_1_VASP
HeliumVoidFraction 0.801937
UnitCells 1 1 1
ExternalTemperature 298.0
ExternalPressure 1000000
ComputeRDF yes
WriteRDFEvery 1000
FlexibleFramework yes
FrameworkDefinitions Local
Component 0 MoleculeName CO2
MoleculeDefinition Local
IdealGasRosenbluthWeight 1.0
SwapProbability 1.0
CreateNumberOfMolecules 1
Based on this script, I am confused. If the MD script is simulated for 1,000,000 cycles, what is the default duration of the Monte Carlo simulation?