Dear Professor,
Thanks for the swift reply. As I have mentioned earlier, the simulation box size (number of unit cells in x y z directions), cutoff-distance, tail corrections, force fields, etc., all were the same. The framework structure was also taken from the same reference. The only difference I could find is the type of ensemble (Gibbs ensemble vs GCMC). Could this be the reason? Can this have a difference of 0.5mol/Kg?
Thanks and regards
Thanks for the swift reply. As I have mentioned earlier, the simulation box size (number of unit cells in x y z directions), cutoff-distance, tail corrections, force fields, etc., all were the same. The framework structure was also taken from the same reference. The only difference I could find is the type of ensemble (Gibbs ensemble vs GCMC). Could this be the reason? Can this have a difference of 0.5mol/Kg?
Thanks and regards