you have to look for the units in the RASPA2 manual. For example:
describes bonds and needs two parameters with units K/A^2, A.
From the LigParGen server, you can get the topologies in different formats. I used the GROMACS itp file, the units used in GROMACS can be found here: https://manual.gromacs.org/current/reference-manual/topologies/topology-file-formats.html
So GROMACS uses units kJ/(mol*nm^2), nm. The conversion from nm to A is straightforward, but in the first case we need:
a) convert from kJ/mol to J (multiply by 1000 and divide by Avogadro's constant),
b) convert from nm^-2 to A^-2 (divide by 100),
c) convert from J/A^2 to K/A^2 (divide by Boltzmann's constant)
that brings us to multiply the value from GROMACS' itp file by 1.2037. In the same manner, you would obtain SIX_COSINE_DIHEDRAL potential in RASPA2 from GROMACS' RB dihedral parameters values by multiplying them by 120.272355. Please refer to the manual of RASPA2. And also please be aware that if you have no experience with such simulations, it can take a few days (or even weeks) to understand how to prepare inputs properly and run the simulations correctly.
Also, as you will be preparing the forcefield description, please pay attention to the Lennard-Jones parameters. You need to perform such a conversion as well. In some cases, like in the case of the Dreiding forcefield, you also need to check if the values are scaled in relation to the equation used in RASPA2. You need to read the manual and papers to understand everything correctly, and that can be challenging.
you have to look for the units in the RASPA2 manual. For example:
describes bonds and needs two parameters with units K/A^2, A.
From the LigParGen server, you can get the topologies in different formats. I used the GROMACS itp file, the units used in GROMACS can be found here: https://manual.gromacs.org/current/reference-manual/topologies/topology-file-formats.html
So GROMACS uses units kJ/(mol*nm^2), nm. The conversion from nm to A is straightforward, but in the first case we need:
a) convert from kJ/mol to J (multiply by 1000 and divide by Avogadro's constant),
b) convert from nm^-2 to A^-2 (divide by 100),
c) convert from J/A^2 to K/A^2 (divide by Boltzmann's constant)
that brings us to multiply the value from GROMACS' itp file by 1.2037. In the same manner, you would obtain SIX_COSINE_DIHEDRAL potential in RASPA2 from GROMACS' RB dihedral parameters values by multiplying them by 120.272355. Please refer to the manual of RASPA2. And also please be aware that if you have no experience with such simulations, it can take a few days (or even weeks) to understand how to prepare inputs properly and run the simulations correctly.
Also, as you will be preparing the forcefield description, please pay attention to the Lennard-Jones parameters. You need to perform such a conversion as well. In some cases, like in the case of the Dreiding forcefield, you also need to check if the values are scaled in relation to the equation used in RASPA2. You need to read the manual and papers to understand everything correctly, and that can be challenging.