Dear Prof. Dubbeldam,
In some literatures the cavity of a MOF is indicated by a sphere, can such an image be created by iRASPA? If not, could you please suggest me a suitable way to create such an image?
Thanks for your help.
In the gallery, then primitives, then IRMOF-1, you can see such an example.
Quote from: David Dubbeldam on June 13, 2023, 01:45:24 PM
In the gallery, then primitives, then IRMOF-1, you can see such an example.
Thank you for your reply. I do find the example. However, I am struggling to reproduce such a picture. The illustrations in the gallery are very compelling, but I think it may be difficult for a beginner like me to figure out how to draw those pictures without a tutorial. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to write a tutorial about how to draw the pictures in the gallery in the future. I understand that creating tutorials requires time and effort, but I believe this tutorial would be invaluable to the community.
There is a 'help' in iRASPA ('help' menu). In principle, this is about understanding the three panes in the top-left: (I) projects, (II) scenes, (III) movie frames. If you select the second tab, you can add structures to the scene.
'File' -> 'New' -> 'Objects' -> 'Ellipsoid' and then edit the properties.